
 Coaching is about helping you and your organisation build and maintain the competencies and confidence to perform specific business function better. At Owenbeg we are not grey-haired kindly mentors providing a supportive shoulder, nor are we consultants coming in and telling you what to do. We have specific skills and experiences that we will use to provide advice and guidance on well defined tasks and objectives. This approach of nudging you and steering you to achieve specific goals means you can take that advice in small regular doses, or in a larger, more concerted manner.

Our particular skills and backgrounds mean that we wouldn’t presume to proffer advice on how to build, kit out or run a data centre operation; manage a startup, or tell you how to run large IT sales and marketing departments. But we can absolutely help you get to grips with the issues of developing an effective business model, building an appropriate marketing strategy, identifying, communicating with,winning and keeping customers profitably. We can tailor the coaching to meet your particular issues but we also have a number of defined coaching propositions to give you a fast start , including

  • Business Model Development
  • Go-to-Market Value Propositions
  • Influencer Relations